Highbury Defense Group
an Accelint company
Highbury Defense Group provides a broad range of strategic and operational engineering, cybersecurity, and technical support to US Department of Defense and US Department of State agencies and select foreign nations.
Services & Capabilities
Technical/Systems Engineering
Foreign Military Sales
Integrated Logistics Support
Maritime Surveillance
Recent News
Causes We Support
Highbury supports the following organizations. We also help our people take time off work to volunteer their time.
SoCal Bulldog Rescue provides shelter, re-homing assistance, and funds for medical treatment for over 100 bulldogs each year.
San Diego State University Troops to Engineers (T2E) Program
T2E provides custom career assistance for veteran students seeking to improve their professional development skills, find internships, and secure an engineering job upon graduation.
Special Delivery provides nutritious home-delivered meals to over 100 people daily who are living with chronic life-threatening illnesses that do not allow them the ability to shop/prepare meals.